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Applied Arts & Media Technology AAMT: Climate Change

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Climate Change

Climate Change and Applied Arts

Climate change is not only an environmental issue but also a cultural one. The applied arts, including visual arts, design, and crafts, play a role in raising awareness and inspiring action on climate change.

  • Creative Expression: Artists use their work to communicate the urgency of climate change, creating powerful visual narratives that can influence public perception and policy.
  • Sustainable Practices: Many artists are adopting sustainable materials and methods to reduce their environmental footprint.
  • Community Engagement: Art projects often engage communities in climate action, fostering a collective response to environmental challenges.


Climate Change and New Media Technology

Impact on New Media Technology

  • Digital Carbon Footprint: The production and use of digital technologies contribute to carbon emissions. However, these technologies also offer solutions for reducing overall environmental impact.
  • Awareness and Education: New media platforms are crucial for spreading information about climate change and mobilizing global action.
  • Innovation and Adaptation: Technological advancements help communities adapt to climate change by providing tools for monitoring, predicting, and managing environmental changes.
