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ValleyREADS: Reading at Kalamazoo Valley

Becoming a Reader

"Becoming an accomplished reader does not just happen by chance.  Reading is an acquired skill, not an innate one; the more books we read, the better we become at it."

                                                         --Pauline Dewan, "Reading in the Age of Continuous Partial Attention," 2019

Read in Any Format

Reading format -- print, audio, electronic -- is a matter of personal preference.  All are forms of reading.  How do you like to read?

  • Do you prefer to hold a print book in your hands? 
    • Browse the book stacks or book displays at TTC or ACC
    • Read a New Book
    • Check out books for the entire semester, with your Valley ID
  • Maybe you like the convenience of electronic books
  • Would you rather listen to the book?

Read What You Want To

Interested in poetry?  Prefer a graphic novel?  A fan of sports writing? Riveted by mysteries and thrillers?  Looking for romance?  Intrigued by the past?  Curious about banned books

Read the books that you are interested in.  You have the freedom to read what you want to.


American Library Association Logo  

American Library Association, Freedom to Read Statement

Make Reading a Habit

Make Time for Reading: Advice from KVAAP Students

  • I read before bed instead of social media/screen time. 
  • I usually read when I'm not doing anything. 
  • Read in between stressful projects. 
  • Read in between the little time I do have to myself. 
  • There is lots of reading contributed to school work, but honestly only during school breaks or summer. 
  • Setting time at least 10 minutes at night. 
  • I read during my leisure time for fun!
  • I love to read before bed. 
  • Brewing up a cup of tea beforehand.  
  • I read in the bathtub
  • I read while in bed, about to go to sleep
  • I read while I'm taking a calming bath!
  • I read whenever I'm bored at work. 
  • Read in a nice environment.
  • Getting a good snack or drink.  
  • Start with a genre you're interested in.
  • Read things I enjoy. 
  • Audiobooks and ebooks on my phone. 
  • I have a Kindle on my phone.  So bathtime is my time.  I love to read!
  • I read my Bible daily and pray.  

Track Your Reading

Reading and Learning Differences