Reference books contain short articles on topics within a subject area:
Reference books can also contain data such as maps, timelines, and statistics.
Kalamazoo Valley Libraries have Reference Books in two locations:
You can find Electronic Reference Books in several places from the Library Homepage:
1) Go to the Library Homepage, and look for the ValleyCat search box. Or, search from the ValleyCat Search box on the bottom of this page.
Conduct a search and limit format to "eBook." Here are some example searches:
2) Or, click on Articles and Research Databases (in the left-hand sidebar of our homepage).
There, you will find Electronic Reference Books and other electronic resources in the following database categories:
Think about your topic and brainstorm some keywords that describe your topic.
For example, perhaps you are researching a short story by Toni Morrison. Your keywords might be: short stories, Toni Morrison, African American authors, the name of the story.
In order to find only electronic books, you need to limit the results of your search.
On the left-hand side of the screen, under "Format," check the box marked "Ebooks."
Click on the "View Ebook" button to get access to the ebook:
Print books are also available for checkout. Either place a hold on a print book in ValleyCat, or give us a call/email and we'll help you find the book you need.