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Intro: Sleep

How Much Sleep Do I Need? from the CDC (chart of hours based on age)

How Much Sleep Do We Really Need: Revisited​ National Sleep Foundation Brief Article

Automated Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (AutoMEQ) Are you a morning person or evening person? Take the test. 

The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI): One page questionnaire

Epworth Sleepiness Scale (scroll down on this link for questionnaire) and the Epworth Sleepiness Questionnaire for Children & Adolescents 


Are you Getting Enough Sleep? Dr. Nancy Foldvary-Schaefer for the Cleveland Clinic talks about the most noticeable symptoms of sleep deprivation including: 

- Falling asleep or yawning during the day         - Feeling restless and irritable.
- Having to check work repeatedly                      - Anxiety

- Making errors in school or work                       - Reduced short-term memory.
- Difficulty concentrating or staying on task.      - Decreased ability to learn.         

Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Sleep Cycles


Being tired is a unique form of misery. Tom Bilyeu co-founder of Quest Nutrition

Sleeping less than 7 hours per night on a regular basis is associated with adverse health outcomes, including weight gain and obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and stroke, depression, impaired immune function, increased pain, impaired performance, increased errors, and greater risk of accidents.  Recommended Amount of Sleep for a Healthy Adult: A Joint Consensus Statement of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society


An Overview of Sleep Deprivation


Learn More: Sleep

Influence of Weekly Sleep Regularity on Self-Reported Wellbeing.  Regular sleep patterns were found to be associated with better wellbeing in college students.


The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI): One page questionnaire


Teens who use screens more sleep less: New study shows a clear link between increased use of electronic devices during the day and less sleep at night.

Sleep quality, duration, and consistency are associated with better academic performance in college students

The influence of school time on sleep patterns of children and adolescents 

An epidemiological study of sleep−wake timings in school children from 4 to 11 years old: insights on the sleep phase shift and implications for the school starting times' debate

School Start Time and Sleep

Effects of school time on sleep duration and sleepiness in adolescents Delaying the time of start of school to 9 AM allows for longer sleep duration, better mood, and better school performance

Association Found Between Better Sleep, Academic Performance Among College Students A study of college students found that better sleep—specifically, higher quality, longer duration, and greater consistency of sleep—was associated with higher scores on quizzes and midterm exams.

Unrestricted evening use of light‐emitting tablet computers delays self‐selected bedtime and disrupts circadian timing and alertness  evening use of light emitting devices can induce delays in self-selected bedtimes, suppress melatonin secretion, and impair next-morning alertness, which may impact the health, performance, and safety of users.

Unhealthy sleep practices, conduct problems, and daytime functioning during adolescence. 

American College Health Association. American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment II: Undergraduate Student Executive Summary Spring 2019

The Chronotype-Academic Performance Model (CAM): Daytime sleepiness and learning motivation link chronotype and school performance in adolescents  Late eening types seem to be at high risk to suffer from daytime sleepiness and to display dysfunctional attitudes toward school work.

Multi-method assessments of sleep over the transition to college and the associations with depression and anxiety symptoms   Depressive symptoms were associated with worsening sleep problems in the first semester of college.

Sleep and Athletes

Cognitive Performance, Sleepiness, and Mood in Partially Sleep Deprived Adolescents: The Need for Sleep Study

Deep Dive: Sleep

The Peter Attia Drive Podcast: weekly, ultra-deep-dive podcast focusing on maximizing health, longevity, critical thinking and a few other things ... such as: Matthew Walker, Ph.D., on sleep 

Quality of sleep and anxiety are related to circadian preference in university students

Social and Behavioral Determinants of SleepDoctoral dissertation, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Li, Xiaoyu. 2017. 

Poor sleep quality is associated with increased cortical atrophy in community-dwelling adults

Effect of Sleep on Sports Performance and Sports Injury

How to (Literally) Clean Your Brain  Several studies have shown that as you sleep, the glymphatic system is clearing your brain of neurotoxic substances that have accumulated throughout the day, including amyloid-beta, the protein that forms the characteristic plaques in Alzheimer’s.

The role of sleep continuity and total sleep time in executive function across the adult lifespan

Consensus Statement of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine on the Recommended Amount of Sleep for Healthy Children: Methodology and Discussion and Sleep's impact on General Health, Cardiovascular Health, Metabolic Health, Mental Health, Human Performance, and Developmental Health.