A list of common words and definitions related to voting and elections provided by usa.gov
A list of common terms and basic election information provided by the League of Women Voters of Michigan
Unsure about what the Electoral College is and how it works? Click on the link above.
Click the link, choose your state, and learn who the two senators are for your state. Or choose the contact link on the left of the webpage and find out how to email or call your senators
Once you click the link, just enter your zip code to find out more about your U. S. Representative.
Click the link and type in your address to learn who your Michigan State Senator is and what State Senate District you live in.
If you know your district you can search by district number to find your Michigan State Representative, if not type in your address to find out your Michigan House district number, your representative, and how to contact them.
Type in your address to find out your congressional district
Want to know how to contact your elected official through email or phone? Click the link above.
A list of candidates for the 2022 General Election. The list includes candidates for national, state, and district races.
A list of Michigan counties. Clicking the link for each county will take you to the website for the county or the county clerk. There you can see the available candidates and voting information for that location. You can also find election results for each county as well.
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan group that provides information on candidates and both candidates and issues nationally, statewide, and locally
This nonpartisan site is recommended by usa.gov as a voter guide. If you plug in your address it will provide ballot information and allow you compare candidates and learn about their backgrounds.
The official website for the Michigan Democratic Party.
The official website for the Democratic Party.
A nonpartisan article from Ballotpedia providing an overview and historical background about the party.
A link to the most recent Democratic Party Platform indicating where they stand on important issues.
The official website for the Michigan Republican Party.
The official website of the Republican Party.
A nonpartisan article from Ballotpedia providing an overview and historical background about the party.
A link to the most recent Republican Party Platform indicating where they stand on important issues.
Click on the links below to learn about the third parties on the Michigan ballot this year.
The official state website for the U.S. Taxpayers Party of Michigan which is part of the Constitution Party
The official website of the Constitution Party
A nonpartisan article from Ballotpedia providing an overview and historical background about the party.
A link to The Constitution Party Platform indicating where they stand on important issues.
The official website for The Green Party of Michigan
The official website for The Green Party
A nonpartisan article from Ballotpedia providing an overview and historical background about the party.
A link to The Green Party Platform indicating where they stand on important issues.
The official website for The Libertarian Party of Michigan
The official website for The Libertarian Party
A nonpartisan article from Ballotpedia providing an overview and historical background about the party.
A link to The Libertarian Party Platform indicating where they stand on important issues.
The official website for The Natural Law Party of Michigan.
The official website of The Natural Law Party.
A nonpartisan article from Ballotpedia providing an overview and historical background about the party.
A link to The Natural Law Party Platform indicating where they stand on important issues.
The official website of The Working Class Party.
A nonpartisan article from Ballotpedia providing an overview and historical background about the party.
Want to know more about how political campaigns and candidates are raising and spending money? Check out the website for the Federal Election Commission for more information.
The nonpartisan, nonprofit National Institute on Money in Politics compiles campaign-donor, lobbyist, and other financial information nationally and statewide.